Comparative analysis of approaches to DWH modelling: Dimensional Modeling (Snowflake), Data Vault 2.0, Anchor Modeling

december 13, 2024 Comparative analysis of approaches to DWH modelling: Dimensional Modeling (Snowflake), Data Vault 2.0, Anchor Modeling Data Warehouses (DWH) play a key role in supporting analytical and business decisions by providing structured data for reporting and analysis. Proper data modelling is crucial for the successful functioning of a DWH. In this article, we […]
Comparison of Anchor Modeling and Dimensional Modeling

november 27, 2024 Comparison of Anchor Modeling and Dimensional Modeling Choosing the right data modeling methodology for a data warehouse at the design stage is crucial. It ensures the necessary level of flexibility and scalability while aligning with business objectives. In this article, we will review the strengths and weaknesses of two popular methodologies—Anchor Modeling […]
Partitioning in SQL Server

november 13, 2024 Partitioning in SQL Server Partitioning of data is the process of dividing large volumes of data into smaller, more manageable parts known as partitions. It is an essential tool for optimising database performance, especially in high-volume and high-load environments. Data partitioning allows large tables to be split into smaller, independent parts that […]
Database maintenance

october 28, 2024 Database maintenance Database maintenance is a comprehensive task that covers the entire lifecycle of a data repository. It is a crucial process that helps prevent database degradation. This article will discuss the aspects of database maintenance that require special attention: table maintenance, index maintenance, statistics management, and fragmentation control. Indexes, fragmentation and […]
Key nuances of building a Kylin cube

october 14, 2024 Key nuances of building a Kylin cube Not long ago, our company started working with a new Apache technology stack. After several successful projects, we would like to share our development experience and some of our insights. Apache Kylin is a distributed storage system for pre-calculated and aggregated data designed for complex […]
Installing Apache SuperSet in a Kubernetes cluster on Windows OS

september 27, 2024 Installing Apache SuperSet in a Kubernetes cluster on Windows OS Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform designed for deploying and managing application containers. A Kubernetes cluster (or K8s) addresses scaling, running containers across multiple hosts, and load balancing. In our example, we will use a local single-node Kubernetes cluster based on Minikube. […]
Using SQL CLR technology to enhance the performance of MS SQL functionality

september 13, 2024 Using SQL CLR technology to enhance the performance of MS SQL functionality It is crucial to ensure the high performance of a large analytical system at all stages of operation. However, the built-in functionality of MS SQL does not always process data efficiently. For instance, when working with large data sets, it […]
Disk performance

august 25, 2024 Disk performance Disk performance is a critical factor for most modern applications and systems. It determines the speed at which data can be read from or written to the disk, which directly impacts the overall system performance. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of disk performance, testing methods, and […]
Optimising RAM usage in SQL Server

august 14, 2024 Optimising RAM usage in SQL Server Optimising the use of RAM in SQL Server is a key aspect of ensuring high database performance. Incorrect memory configuration can lead to serious performance issues that negatively impact the end-user experience. Here’s how it can manifest: Slower query response times Increased wait times Reduced overall […]
Enhancing DWH resilience through backup optimisation in SQL Server

july 27, 2024 Enhancing DWH resilience through backup optimisation in SQL Server Backup is the process of creating a duplicate copy of data on a separate medium (local or remote) to prevent the loss of original data and ensure the possibility of quickly restoring it in case of unforeseen situations, such as damage or loss […]